sábado, 21 de abril de 2018



1. Locate in this map the following natural regions: Lower Mesopotamia, Upper Mesopotamia, Lower Egypt y Upper Egypt.

2. Identify the following atributes of the egyptian pharaoh.





3. Say if the following texts are written using the cuneiform or the hieroglyphic writing system.

 1. ________________________                       2.______________________________________

4. Review game.

With an A
The second period of Mesopotamian history where the people of central Mesopotamia, led by their king, Sargon I, conquered Sumer.

With a B
A Mesopotamian city, located between Sumer and Akkad that created an empire that reached its splendor in the time of king Hammurabi.

With an E
One of the rivers flowing through the land between two rivers.

Contains G
A type of script which consisted of a succesion of symbols and drawings.

With an L
Egyptian natural region located in the delta area of the River Nile.

Contains M
The oldest code of law written in History

With an N
The river that made ​​possible the development of the Egyptian civilizations.

Contains a Q
The artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.

Contains R
A structure forming the curved, pointed, or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway

With an S
First period of Mesopotamian history, where the south of this region was organized in independent city-states such as Ur.

With a T
One of the rivers flowing through the land between two rivers.

Contains V
A human being in servitude as the property of a person or household.

With a Z
A rectangular temple tower with successively smaller terraces erected in Mesopotamia. The tower of Babel is thought to be one of these

With an A
Inhabitants of the mountains in North Mesopotamia that in Mid-tenth century created a great empire.

With a C
A type of writing that Mesopotamian people did making inscriptions on clay tables with a triangular object.

With an E
A civilization that developed between 4000 BC and 31 BC along a narrow fringe on the bank of the Nile river.

Contains G
An ancient Egyptian subterranean burial chamber, carved into rock.

With an H
Babylonian king who dominated all the territories of Mesopotamia, and wrote the oldest written Code Law in History.

With an I
Artificial watering of the land by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially.

Contains J
Recipient where the Egyptians preserved the purified lungs, liver and brain of the dead.

With a K
Egyptian name for the soul. They thought the soul need a body to stay in, which  is why they practiced  mummification.

With an M
Ancient civilization that developed between 3500 BC and 539 BC around the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

Contains O
 Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat

With a P
People who conquered Mesopotamia in 539 BC, putting and to the Mesopotamian civilization.

With an S
Akkadian King who conquered Sumer.

With an U
Egyptian natural located in the south area of the Nile valley.

Contains Y
The worship of or belief in more than one god. 

Contains an A
A material on which to write made from the pith or the stems of this plant, used especially by the ancient Egyptians

With a C
 A town with its own government that was both a city and an independent state

With an H
The ancient Egyptian god of the sun, son of Osiris and Isis, represented as having the head of a hawk

Contains I
A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex.

With an M
An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base and sloping sides and flat roof; "the Egyptian pyramids developed from it”.

Contains N
The doctrine or belief that there is but one God.

With a P
Egyptian political and military ruler, owner of all, considered by the people a living god.

With an S
A person who copies document, made handwritten copies before the invention of printing.

Contains a T
 A large room of theEgyptian temples with a flat roof supported by rows of columns.

With an U
One of the ancient sumerian city-state.


1. Locate in this map the following natural regions: Lower Mesopotamia, Upper Mesopotamia, Lower Egypt y Upper Egypt.

2. Identify the following atributes of the egyptian pharaoh.


3. Say if the following texts are written using the cuneiform or the hieroglyphic writing system.

 1. CUNEIFORM                         2.HIEROGLYPHIC.

With an A
The second period of Mesopotamian history where the people of central Mesopotamia, led by their king, Sargon I, conquered Sumer.
With a B
A Mesopotamian city, located between Sumer and Akkad that created an empire that reached its splendor in the time of king Hammurabi.
With an E
One of the rivers flowing through the land between two rivers.
Contains G
A type of script which consisted of a succesion of symbols and drawings.
Hieroglyphic script
With an L
Egyptian natural region located in the delta area of the River Nile.
Lower Egypt
Contains M
The oldest code of law written in History
Code of Hammurabi
With an N
The river that made ​​possible the development of the Egyptian civilizations.
Contains a Q
The artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
Irrigation techniques
Contains R
A structure forming the curved, pointed, or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway
With an S
First period of Mesopotamian history, where the south of this region was organized in independent city-states such as Ur.
With a T
One of the rivers flowing through the land between two rivers.
Contains V
A human being in servitude as the property of a person or household.
With a Z
A rectangular temple tower with successively smaller terraces erected in Mesopotamia. The tower of Babel is thought to be one of these
With an A
Inhabitants of the mountains in North Mesopotamia that in Mid-tenth century created a great empire.
With a C
A type of writing that Mesopotamian people did making inscriptions on clay tables with a triangular object.
Cuneiform writing
With an E
A civilization that developed between 4000 BC and 31 BC along a narrow fringe on the bank of the Nile river.
Egyptian civilization
Contains G
An ancient Egyptian subterranean burial chamber, carved into rock.
With an H
Babylonian king who dominated all the territories of Mesopotamia, and wrote the oldest written Code Law in History.
With an I
Artificial watering of the land by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially.
Irrigated agriculture
With an M
Ancient civilization that developed between 3500 BC and 539 BC around the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
Contains O
 Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat
With a P
People who conquered Mesopotamia in 539 BC, putting and to the Mesopotamian civilization.
With an S
Akkadian King who conquered Sumer.
Sargon I
With an U
Egyptian natural region located in the south area of the Nile valley.
Upper Egypt
Contains Y
The worship of or belief in more than one god. 


Contains an A
A material on which to write made from the pith or the stems of this plant, used especially by the ancient Egyptians
With a C
 A town with its own government that was both a city and an independent state
With an H
The ancient Egyptian god of the sun, son of Osiris and Isis, represented as having the head of a hawk
Contains I
A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex.
With an M
An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base and sloping sides and flat roof; "the Egyptian pyramids developed from it”.
Contains N
The doctrine or belief that there is but one God.
With a P
Egyptian political and military ruler, owner of allconsidered by the people a living god.
With an S
A person who copies document, made handwritten copies before the invention of printing.
Contains a T
 A large room of theEgyptian temples with a flat roof supported by rows of columns.
Hypostyle hall
With an U
One of the ancient sumerian city-state.
Contains Y
A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian temple

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