viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017


A. D. (Anno Domini): is the latin for in the year of the Lord.   
Antler: the branched horn of an animal.
Casting: metal cast in a mold.

(To) Casting: to pour liquid metal into a mold that contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape and allowed it to cool and solidify.
Flint: hard, sedimentary rock from the mineral quartz used to create tools.
Forge: a fireplace in which metal is heated before shaping.

(To) Forge: To shape a metal object by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
Hide. The skin of an animal, especially the thick tough skin or pelt of a large animal.

Hide. Source: By Michal Maňas (User:snek01) - Own work, CC BY 2.5,
Hominisation (in spanish Hominización) a long evolutive process through which the hominids adquired their own unique features: opposable thumb, big brains, biped mode of walking.
Hominid (in spanish, Hominido): a member of a biped primate species. They were of direct ancestors.
Monochrome (Monocromo): a painting in which one color has been used.
Naturalistic: a painting in which forms, color and space appear as they are in Nature.
Neolithic (in spanish Neolítico): one of the periods in which we can divide the Stone age. It is the period of time from the invention of agriculture to the apparition of metalworking.
Paleolithic (in spanish Paleolítico): one of the period in which we can divide the Stone age. It is the period of time from the apparition of the first human beigns to the invention of agriculture.
Polychrome (policromo): a painting in which multiple colors has been used.
Potter's wheel: a device with a rotating disk use to mold clay.
Potter's wheel.

Predatory economy: way of life characterised by taking resources from Nature: other animals (hunting) or plants (gathering); without replacing them.
Productive economy: way of life characterised by producing resources: agriculture and cattleraising.
Prey: animal which is hunted by others for food.
Schematic: a painting in which only the basic alements of the figures are shown without any details.

Sickle: a tool use to cut grain, grass, etc, consisting of a curved hooklike blade mounted in a short handle.

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