sábado, 28 de enero de 2017


Location and geographical extension.

Extension: Spain has a surface of 505.590 square kilometres. It covers:
  • most of he Iberian Peninsula.
  • the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa.
Location: Iberian Peninsula is located n the south-east of Europe. Its limits are:
  • to the North, the Cantabrian Sea, Andorra and France.
  • to the South, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • to the West, the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal.


The average height of the Iberian Peninsula is 660 metres above the sea level. In it we can find all the main landforms:
  • Plateaus. The centre of the Iberian Peninsula is occupied by the Meseta Central a plateau of an average altitude of between 600 and 700 metres. The Meseta is crossed by two big mountain ranges:
  1. The Sistema Central which divided the Meseta Central into the North and the South Sub-Mesetas.
  2. The Montes de Toledo which runs throught the South Sub-Meseta.
Furthermore there are other mountain ranges that surrounds the Meseta:
  1. In the North, the Macizo Galaico-leonés and the Cordillera Cantábrica.
  2. in the Easth, the Iberian System.
  3. In the South, the Sierra Morena.
Central plateau and surrounding mountain ranges

  • Young mountain ranges outside the Meseta Central. The most important are:
  1. the Montes Vascos.
  2. The Pyrenees.
  3. The Cordillera Costero-Catalana.
  4. The Cordilleras Bética, in which is located the highest peak of the Peninsula: Mulhace (3478 m).
  • Plains. We can distinguish two types:
  1.  River basins located inside the Meseta Central; Duero, Tajo, Guadiana.
  2. Exterior depressions: Ebro and Guadalquivir valleys.

 Coastal relief.

The main landforms of the peninsula's coastal relief are:
  1. Capes: Palos, La Nao, Gata
  2. Gulfs: Bizkaia, Valencia Bay of Cadiz.

Canary and Balearic islands.

Canary islands: volcanic relief with the highest peak in Spain: the Teide.
Balearic islands:
  1. Formentor cape.
  2. Bays of Palma and Alcudia.

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