lunes, 30 de enero de 2017


Anemometer (in spanish, anemometro) a device use to measure the speed of the wind.

Anticyclone (in spanish, anticiclón), a zone of atmospheric high pressure. Produces dry and stable weather (sunny and with no precipitation).
Atmosphere (in spanish, atmósfera): gaseous layer that surrounds the Earth.
Atmospheric pressure: the weight of a colum or air on a place.
Bioclimate is a extensive región characterised by its own climatic features and vegetation.
Biosphere: (in spanish, biosfera) is the combination of all living beings on the planet and the enviorment they live in.  
Breeze: (in spanish, brisa) a marine or mountain daily winds (in spanish, brisa).
Chaparral: the scrubland typical of the Mediterranean climate in the Southwest coast of the United States.
Climate is the average state of the atmosphere over one place during a long period ot time.
Climatic zone is a division of the Earth in latitudinal areas according to its average temperatures and average rainfall (precipitation level).
Climatology: (in spanish, climatología) is the science which study the various types of climate.
Deciduous (in spanish, hoja caduca), vegetation (tress and shrubs) that lose their leaves seasonally.
Depression (in spanish borrasca), a zone of amospheric high pressure. Produces wet and unestable weather (cloudy and with many precipitations).
Exosphere, the highest layer of the atmosphere, located between 500 and 10.000 kilometres.
Evergreen (in spanish, hoja perenne), vegetation (trees and shrubs) that retain their leaves all the year around.
Forest (in spanish, bosque) a vegetal formation which is formed by tres
Grasslands (in spanish, pradera) a vegetal formation which consists of grasses
Hail (in spanish, granizo), precipitation in solid state (small pieces of ice).
Isotherm (in spanish, isoterma), an imaginary line which connect all the points with the same temperatura.
Isoyets (in spanish, isoyetas) imaginary lines connect locations with the same precipitation levels.
Mild, something that is moderate. When we talk about temperature, we are
Mesosphere, the thrid layer of the atmosphere, located between 50 and 80 kilometres. It is the coolest layer of the atmosphere.
Monsoon (in spanish, monzón), seasonal winds that appear in South East Asia.
Precipitation is the water that falls on the Earth's surface from the sky, either in liquid (rain) or solid (snow, hail) forms.
Pluviometer or rain gauge a device use to measure and indicate the amount of rain over a place.
Scrubland (in spanish, matorral) a vegetal formation that is formed by bushes
Steppe (in spanish, estepa). A semiarid desert which receive between 150 and 750 mm of precipitation annualy and has at least seven dry months.
Stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere, located between 12 and 50 kilometres.  It contains the ozone layer that protects Earth from ultraviolet rays.
Taiga: (in spanish, taiga), the coniferous evergreen forest of subarctic lands (North America, Eurasia).
Temperature is the amount of heat in the air.
Thermometer is the device that we use to measure atmospheric temperature. 

Trade winds, (in spanish, alisios) constants winds that blows from the Tropics to the Equator.
Troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere located between Earth's surface and 12 kilometres. It produces the planet's metereological and climatic phenomena.
Vegetal formation is the combination of plants in a región that are similar in size of characteristics.
Vegetation: is the entire range of plant life in an área.
Weather vane (in spanish, veleta), is a device use to determine the direction of the wind.

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